Nestle Plant Saves Up to £90k Thanks to Plant Simulation Material and Energy Optimisations

Siemens Digital Industries have shared a great success story about the benefits of creating a digital twin with Plant Simulation in the Nestlé factory in Juuka, Finland.

Plant Simulation is a discrete-event industrial simulation software tool that helps you to create digital models of production systems so that you can explore a system’s characteristics and optimise its performance.

building a digital twin

Nestlé used Plant Simulation to help with modernising the plant, which produces high-quality gravies, demi-glace and fonds for chefs.

They created a digital model of the plant to simulate material flow in the factory which enabled them to test and validate different production scenarios and optimise processes and performance.

digital insights lead to real world savings

Thanks to the data created through the digital model of the factory, Nestle Juuka were able to create an abundance of data on the shop floor and develop detailed insights into inefficencies in their production environment leading to direct action and tangible results.

Knowing where to optimize energy consumption and how to maintain the same high quality with less resources lead to significant savings and overall improved sustainability.

The team were able to make savings on raw materials they estimate to be worth between £45k and £90k. They also found that the median heating time of kettles could be improved by 23% and cooking processes were optimised reducing costs even further.

If you’d like to read the full case study on the Siemens website click here.

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